image.pngToday is a cooking day.  It’s the day before Thanksgiving and I am alone in the kitchen wondering how in the heck I made this meal each and every year.  But looking back I did cook this meal each year without fail for my family and I did it with love and a grateful heart!

Last year my SIL (son in law)  made a delicious smoked turkey on his ‘egg’.  Yes, that’s a thing.  It literally melted in my mouth.  The thought of it today is, once again, making me salivate.  The year before last my son also made a turkey to die for….smoked on the grill.  Again, salivate.

Life just doesn’t get better than to have your own children cook a Thanksgiving meal.  Can I hear an AMEN!??

Year #3.  My turn!  It’s the reason, my husband reminds me, that we bought this house.  It has a separate dining room.  Little used.  Tomorrow, however, I will have my children (I include their spouses here) and my Grands (4 plus 1/2)  around our dining room table.  This is heaven.

Today, memories come flying back such as why I put the glass candlesticks in the freezer and not in hot water to remove remaining wax in crevices.  Why I bring to a boil the sugar water for the cranberry sauce before I throw in the cranberries.  Why I should take the turkey out of the freezer and into the frig so many days before “they” tell me to do it.  Why ‘we’ should start cleaning this house many days prior to the Turkey day!  (Actually kudos to my husband for doing the actual cleaning!!)  WHERE is the cleaning person’s phone number?  I really should have put her number in my phone.

So, as I make my creamed onions, my cranberry sauce, my white mashed potatoes, my surprise soup, my apple pie…oops…bought it!..I am thankful for so many things this year…BUT I have to say I may be most thankful today for the darn Whole Cloves I found in the back (way back) of my kitchen cabinet.  I have to use the cloves for my creamed onions.  Who knew my cabinet would be keeping them safe?  Truth be told I find so many staples that remind me of Thanksgivings past.

Life cannot get any better than this!

HAVE A WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING EVERYONE and…as always…I am thankful that you take the time to read my ramblings!


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