LESSON #33 – The Walk of Shame

Unknown.jpeg Ok. I have to admit I have been going to WEIGHT WATCHERS forever. Not all at once but here and there over the years.  Lose some weight and stop. Gain and go.  Lose and stop.  You may know the drill.

Once again… last year when my knees were killing me and I was so uncomfortable… We were at the beach and had concluded a beer drinking vaca mode and the water weight was going to kill me sooo off to WW I went. I am amazed how WW changes up their program from one year to the next. Always advertising a new and improved program.

Not sure why this is but I will go out on a limb here and say I assume it is to attract ‘newbies’ and ‘maybe’ to add a bit of new ideas to the mix.  Protein, as it were, goes in and out of vogue.  Today, it’s good but not too much.  That’s bad.

Following the program diligently I lost my sugar craving after a week plus and I gave up that nice cold beer while I ate oysters at Biminis. Very very sad.

Success though each week a blasted pound at a time.  I even held the weight loss weight over the holidays. Months have gone bye but am holding at that early weight loss.  Haven’t lost more, mind you, but holding.  A success in and of itself.

Back at it strictly AGAIN. My daughter is at her goal weight and of this publish date she is actually 8 pounds under her goal weight.  Success plus plus!!   Her significant other doing great on it as well! In fact, they are my inspiration.  Granted I, too, should be at goal weight after many months but……ho hum…..NOT.

This past week I went to my eye surgeon and he told me I had a condition called Pseudoexfoliation and I should have my cataract surgery using laser at a mere $3200 extra! Wth?? I came home stressed out over it all and (since it was raining!) I binged on food WW would frown upon. Oh yeah….binging when stressed.  That would be me.

So today….two days after the binge I am back to WW. It occurred to me as I was walking into the meeting that this was MY WALK OF SHAME! My weigh in was paying the piper, my penance for breaking the WW points rules that I had agreed upon, now MONTHS before.

I hung my head in shame and stepped on that scale agonizing over what the outcome of my binge would be.

Hey…..wait! No gain? No loss? Hallelujah!!!! WW WINS MY ADMIRATION once again. It does work and is forgiving.

I LOVE YOU WW! Stay with me until I lose all this weight AGAIN…and AGAIN…..and again……………


“WEIGHT WATCHERS has its roots in the early 1960s when the founder, Jean Nidetch, began inviting friends into her Queens, NY home once a week to talk about how best to lose weight. Today, that group of friends has grown to millions of people around the world who’ve joined Weight Watchers to lose weight and lead healthier lives.WW has Members and it is slow process of counting points.”  Weight Watchers.com

(Some of the truth has been withheld to protect the innocent.)



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